한국정보기술응용학회 학술대회
2005년도 6th 2005 International Conference on Computers, Communications and System
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
Lots of researches have been focusing on ubiquitous computing which means wherever, whenever, whatever the required information must be accessible. In ubiquitous computing environment, ubiquitous sensor network (USN) is the basis technology for gathering and transferring the required information. However sensor network characteristically has more severe vulnerability than the existing networks do. The paper presents operation of secure protocols for delivering information in secure in ubiquitous computing environment and show improvement of the secure transferring protocol.
1 Introduction
2 Relation research
2.1 The definition of the sensor network
2.2 Sensor network routing protocols
2.3 Sensor network security protocol
3 Efficient broadcasting
3.1 Research environment
3.2 SPIN routing protocol and SPIN Ssecurity protocol
3.3 SPIN routing protocol and node directly broadcasting.
3.4 LEACH routing protoc이 and SPINS security protocol
3.5 LEACH routing protocol and node directly broadcasting
4 Conclusions
2 Relation research
2.1 The definition of the sensor network
2.2 Sensor network routing protocols
2.3 Sensor network security protocol
3 Efficient broadcasting
3.1 Research environment
3.2 SPIN routing protocol and SPIN Ssecurity protocol
3.3 SPIN routing protocol and node directly broadcasting.
3.4 LEACH routing protoc이 and SPINS security protocol
3.5 LEACH routing protocol and node directly broadcasting
4 Conclusions