

A Study of Successful IT Outsourcing model for SMB



Most of the small and medium industries rather focus on immediate problems and how to properly maintain organizational matters and existing system than the strategic and operational use of Information Technology when they deal with applications and operation of Information System. This study found out that there were few studies on IT outsourcing for small and medium companies in Korea compared to large enterprises' IT outsourcing. Most preceding studies researched the problems of partnership and technical, managerial, and economical success factors for big companies. Small and medium companies have the problems of financial difficulty, organizational scale (40.3%), shortage of manpower for system operation (24.1%), and lack of practical use of managers (8.9%). SMB firms have required support of government for their Informationalization but, we found out amount of companies (41%) not be informed or don't account on government's supporting IT of SMB programs. In addition, Range and Contents of outsourcing, Reputation of Outsourcing vendor, Reliability of maintaining were selected as CSFs of SMB IT outsourcing. While large corporation staff more considered CEO's willing and inner facts of their companies.


 1. Introduction
 2. Precedent Researches
  2.1 Theory Research
  2.2 The research of Jaenam Lee and Younggil
  2.3 Fitzgerald & Wilcocks’ research
  2.4 Grover, Cheon & Teng’ research
  2.5 Loh & Venkatraman’s research
  2.6 Kim Min-soo and Oh Sung-tak’s research
  2.7 Condition of 5MB IT outsourcing
 3. Characteristics of SMB IT outsourcing
 4. Conclusion


  • Jeong, Seon-Phil Dept of MIS Chungbuk national university
  • Kim, Yeong-Real Dept. of MIS, Chungbuk National university


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