

Ubiquitous Architectural Framework for UbiSAS using Context Adaptive Rule Inference Engine



Recent ubiquitous computing environments increasingly impact on our lives using the current technologies of sensor network and ubiquitous services. In this paper, we propose ubiquitous architectural framework for ubiquitous sleep aid service(UbiSAS) in the subset of ubiquitous computing for refreshing of human's sleep. And we examine technical feasibility. Human can recover his health through refreshing sleep from fatigue. Ubiquitous architectural framework for UbiSAS in digital home offers agreeable sleeping environment and improves recovery from fatigue. So we present new concept of ubiquitous architectural framework dissolving stress. Specially, we apply context to context-aware framework module. This context is transferred to context adaptive inference engine which has service invocation function in intelligent agent module. Ubiquitous architectural framework for UbiSAS using context adaptive rule inference engine without user intervention is technical issue. That is to say, we should take sleep comfortably during our sleeping. And sensed information during sleeping is changed to context-aware information. This presents significant information in context adaptive rule inference engine for UbiSAS. This information includes all sleeping state during sleeping in context-aware computing technique. So we propose more effective and most suitable ubiquitous architectural framework using context adaptive rule inference engine for refreshing sleep in this paper.


 1 Introduction
 2 Motivation
 3 Related Research
 4 Target Scenario
 5 Requirements
 6 UbiSAS Architectural Framework
  6.1 ßedside Sensor Platform Module
  6.2 Context-Aware Framework Module
  6.3 Intelligent Agent Module
  6.4 Service Interaction Module
  6.5 Context Adaptive Rule Inference Engine
 7 Conclusions


  • Yoo, Yoon-Sik Senor Networking Research Team, ETRI)
  • Huh, Jae-Doo Senor Networking Research Team, ETRI


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