

Web-based Real Environment Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks



Ubiquitous computing is one of the key technology areas in the "Project on Development of Ubiquitous computing and network technology" promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology as a frontier business of the century in Korea, which is based on the new concept merging physical space and computer-based cyber space. With recent advances in Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) technology, low cost and low-power consumption wireless micro sensor nodes have been available. Using these smart sensor nodes, there are many activities to monitor real world, for example, habitat monitoring, earthquake monitoring and so on. In this paper, we introduce web-based real environment monitoring system incorporating wireless sensor nodes. It collects sensing data produced by some wireless sensor nodes and stores them into a database system to analyze. Our environment monitoring system is composed of a networked camera and environmental sensor nodes, which are called Mica2 and developed by University of California at Berkeley. We have modified and ported network protocols over TinyOS and developed a monitoring application program using the MTS310 and MTS420 sensors that are able to observe temperature, relative humidity, light and accelerator. The sensed data can be accessed user-friendly because our environment monitoring system supports web-based user interface. Moreover, in this system, we can setup threshold values so the system supports a function to inform some anomalous events to administrators. Especially, the system shows two useful pre-processed data as a kind of practical uses: a discomfort index and a septicity index. To make both index values, the system restores related data from the database system and calculates them according to each equation relatively. We can do enormous works using wireless sensor technologies, but just environment monitoring. In this paper, we show just one of the plentiful applications using sensor technologies.


 1 Introduction
 2 The Mote
  2.1 Hardware
  2.2 TinyOS
 3 Monitoring System
  3.1 System Overview
  3.2 The Functions of the system
 4 Conclusions


  • Lee, Gil-Jae Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information High Performance Research Networking Dept.)
  • Kong, Jong-Uk Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information High Performance Research Networking Dept.)
  • Kim, Min-Ah Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information High Performance Research Networking Dept.)
  • Byeon, Ok-Hwan Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information High Performance Research Networking Dept.)


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