

Architecture of RS decoder for MB-OFDM UWB



UWB is the most spotlighted wireless technology that transmits data at very high rates using low power over a wide spectrum of frequency band. UWB technology makes it possible to transmit data at rate over 100Mbps within 10 meters. To preserve important header information, MBOFDM UWB adopts Reed-Solomon(23,17) code. In receiver, RS decoder needs high speed and low latency using efficient hardware. In this paper, we suggest the architecture of RS decoder for MBOFDM UWB. We adopts Modified-Euclidean algorithm for key equation solver block which is most complex in area. We suggest pipelined processing cell for this block and show the detailed architecture of syndrome, Chien search and Forney algorithm block. At last, we show the hardware implementation results of RS decoder for ASIC implementation.


 1 Introduction
 2 Modified Euclidean Algorithm
 3 Reed-Solomon Decoder Architecture
  3.1 Syndrome calculation
  3.2 ME Calculation Block
  3.3 Chien search and Forney block
 4 Hardware implementation result
 5 Conclusion


  • Choi, Sung-Woo Wireless Home Network Research Team, ETRI
  • Choi, Sang-Sung Wireless Home Network Research Team, ETRI
  • Lee, Han-Ho Wireless Home Network Research Team, ETRI


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