

A study on Improvement for distorted images of the Digital X-ray Scanner System based on Fuzzy Correction Algorithm



This paper proposes a fuzzy correction algorithm that can correct the distorted medical image caused by the scanning nonlinear velocity of the Digital X-ray Scanner System (DX-Scanner) using the Multichannel Ionization Chamber (MIC). In the DX-Scanner, the scanned medical image is distorted for reasons of unsuitable integration time at the nonlinear acceleration period of the AC servo motor during the inspection of patients. The proposed algorithm finds the nonlinear motor velocity modeling through fuzzy system by clustering and reconstructs the normal medical image lines by calculating the suitable moving distance with the velocity of the motor using the modeling, acceleration time and integration time. In addition, several image processing is included in the algorithm. This algorithm analyzes exact pixel lines by comparing the distance of the acceleration period with the distance of the uniform velocity period in every integration time and is able to compensate for the velocity of the acceleration period. By applying the proposed algorithm to the test pattern for checking the image resolution, the effectiveness of this algorithm is verified. The corrected image obtained from distorted image is similar to the normal and better image for a doctor's diagnosis.


 1 Introduction
 2 Fuzzy Systems
 3 Digital X-ray Scanner System
 4 Velocity Specification of AC Servo Motor and Distorted Image
 5 Fuzzy Correction AIgorithm
 6 Experimental Results
 7 Conclusions


  • Baek, Jae-Ho Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yonsei University
  • Kim, Kyung-Jung Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yonsei University
  • Park, Mi-Gnon Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yonsei University


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