

A Study on the Reliability Growth Trend of Operational S/W Failure Reduction



The software reliability growth depends on the testing time because the failure rate varies whether it is long or not. On the other hand, it might be difficult to reduce failure rate for most of the cases are not available for debugging during operational phase, hence, there are some literatures to study that the failure rate is uniform throughout the operational time. The failure rate reduces and the reliability grows with time regardless of debugging. As a result, the products reliability varies with the time duration of these products in point of customer view. The reason of this is that it accumulates the products experience, studies the exact operational method, and then finds and takes action against the fault circumstances. I propose the simple model to represent this status in this paper.


 1. Introduction
 2. Reliability and failure rate of operational S/W
  2.1 operational reliability
  2.2 failure rate decreasing for the elapse time
  2.3 parameter estimation
 3. Modeling of total failures
 4. Example
 5. Conclusion


  • Che, Gyu-Shik Konyang University
  • Kim, Yong-Kyung Konyang University


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