

XML 웹 서비스 검색 엔진의 개발


Development of a XML Web Services Retrieval Engine

손승범, 오일진, 황윤영, 이경하, 이규철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



UDDI (Universal Discovery Description and Integration) Registry is used for Web Services registration and search. UDDI offers the search result to the keyword-based query. UDDI supports WSDL registration but it does not supports WSDL search. So it is required that contents based search and ranking using name and description in UDDI registration information and WSDL. This paper proposes a retrieval engine considering contents of services registered in the UDDI and WSDL. It uses Vector Space Model for similarity comparison between contents of those. UDDI registry information hierarchy and WSDL hierarchy are considered during searching process. This engine suppports two discovery methods. One is Keyword-based search and the other is template-based search supporting ranking for user"s query. Template-based search offers how service interfaces correspond to the query for WSDL documents. Proposed retrieval engine can offer search result more accurately than one which UDDI offers and it can retrieve WSDL which is registered in UDDI in detail.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련 연구
  2.1 레지스트리 기반 검색
  2.2 시맨틱 기술 정보를 이용한 검색
  2.3 유사도 기반 검색
 3. 웹 서비스 검색 시스템
  3.1 웹 서비스 검색 엔진의 처리 흐름
  3.2 웹 서비스 검색을 위한 지원 질의 종류
  3.3 웹 서비스 검색의 범위
  3.4 검색 대상을 식별하기 위한 색인
  3.5 역파일
  3.6 용어 가중치 부여
  3.7 문서 구조의 반영
 4. 웹 서비스 검색 엔진의 설계
  4.1 UDDI의 데이터 저장
  4.2 WSDL의 데이터 저장
  4.3 유사도 계산을 위한 정보 모델
  4.4 유사도 계산
  4.5 문서 구조를 반영한 가중치 부여
  4.6 시스템 구조
  4.7 관련연구와의 비교 및 고찰
 5. 실험 결과
 6. 결론 및 향후연구


  • 손승범 Seung-Beom Sohn. 충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과
  • 오일진 IL-Jin Oh. 충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과
  • 황윤영 Yun-Young Hwang. 충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과
  • 이경하 Kyong-Ha Lee. 한국전자통신연구원 디지털 진흥 연구단 인터넷 서버 그룹
  • 이규철 Kyu-Chul Lee. 충남대학교 전기정보통신공학부 컴퓨터공학 전공 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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