

통합전산환경 구축·운영을 위한 개념적 모형 개발


Development of the Conceptual Model of Constructing andOperating the Integrated Computing Environment

정해용, 김상훈



As the amount of informatization investment is rapidly increasing in many organizations, it becomes more inevitable to manage computing resources (information systems, computing facilities and manpower etc.) effectively. Specially, in public sector it is thought to be very important to achieve the economy of scale by integrating computing resources which are managed individually in many agencies. Also, our government have been recently making much efforts to raise the effectiveness of operating the information systems by promoting joint information use among many public agencies, enhancing the operating systems and the expertise of IS staff and applying the optimal information security systems. This study focuses on presenting the framework to effectively integrate computing resources and proposing the ways of constructing and operating the integrated computing environment for the institutions and the affiliated groups under the Ministry of Culture & Tourism which are in charge of implementing cultural informatization. The main implications of this study are 1) building the ideal model of the integrated computing environment architecture suitable to cultural informatization area, 2) showing the criteria of deciding whether the organizations use the integrated computing environment or not and how extensively they commit their computing resources to it, and 3) suggesting the ways of the phased integration and the change management to minimize confusion in the process of adopting the integrated computing environment and behavioral problems such as conflict and resistance of IS-related personnel influenced by implementing the integrated computing environment.


 1. 서론
 2. 통합전산환경 구축에 관한 이론적 배경
  2.1 통합전산환경 구축에 관한 선행연구
  2.2 통합전산환경 구축의 결정요인 및 효과적인 구축방법론에 관한 선행연구
 3. 국내․외 추진동향
  3.1 국내 민간부문에서의 추진동향
  3.2 국내 공공부문에서의 추진동향
  3.3 국외 공공부문에서의 추진동향
 4. 연구모델 및 연구방법론
  4.1 연구모델
  4.2 연구방법론
 5. 사례 분석
  5.1 통합전산환경 목표모형 개발
  5.2 위탁운영 대상기관 및 대상업무 선정
  5.3 위탁운영 및 효과측정
 6. 결론


  • 정해용 Haeyong Jung. 나사렛대학교 경영학부 조교수
  • 김상훈 Sanghoon Kim. 광운대학교 경영정보학과 교수


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