The Way of Establishing Weights for IS Evaluation Areas and Items by means of AHP: Focusing on Public Sector
It is tried that evaluation areas and items of information system in public sector are derived ration?ally and its weight value can be applied differently to type of information system to enhance validity and objectiveness of measurement in evaluating IS in this research. To obtain the goal of this research, firstly. five sectors - system sector. user sector, organization and management sector, the degree of strategic contribution to IS, and the degree of optimizing re-source in is - are categorized based on broadly reviewing previous theoretical and practical research. Secondly, IS type in public sector is divided into internal operation one and customer oriented one that is object of the IS, and divided into application oriented and IT infrastructure oriented which are influ-ence by IS. Thirdly, evaluation areas and its items are measured by 5 paint scales (Likert summated scales) in addition to analysis of validity and reliability to improve objectiveness of establishing evalu-ation areas and its items. Fourthly, the weight values in the evaluation areas and its items are de?rived by using analytic hierarchy process.
According to the results of analysis of weight value through AHP, it were found to be 30.4% to or-ganization and management sector, 25.5% to degree of strategic contribution, 21.0% to user sector, 13.5% to degree of optimization of resource management, and 9.6% to system sector. and, different weight values each of the four IS type are proposed which establishing in this reaearch. The main implications of this study is that the criteria by which IS in public sector can be catego-rized 4 ones is suggested and The weighted evaluation for four types of IS based on the AHP analysis enables proposing an objective evaluation method of IS in public sector for considering individual IS characterics.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 공공부문 정보시스템 평가영역 및 평가항목
2.2 공공부문 정보시스템의 유형화 필요성
2.3 계층분석기법(AHP)에 의한 평점구성
3. 연구설계
3.1 평가영역별 평가항목 및 평가지표 도출
3.2 공공부문 정보시스템 유형 구분
3.3 평가영역 및 평가항목별 가중치 결정을 위한 AHP 모형
3.4 표본추출 및 자료수집
4. 실증분석 결과
4.1 표본의 특징
4.2 평가영역 및 평가항목의 타당도 및 신뢰도분석
4.3 AHP 결과분석 및 논의
5. 결론