


교육실습 현장에서 초등 예비교사들의 시선 속 체육수업 담론에 대한 푸코적 분석


A Foucauldian Analysis as to Discourse on Physical Education Classes from the Eyes of Elementary Student Teachers in the Field of Practicum


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to reveal the discourse on physical education classes which are faked/made in the field of practicum and which are seen/hidden from the eyes of elementary student teachers around demonstration classes and actual classes using a Foucauldian Analysis. In order to achieve this purpose of the study, data was collected through practicum diaries and in-depth interviews in terms of what was seen, heard, and spoken. In relation to the data analysis and interpretation, the Foucauldian Analysis method was used to analyze collected data based on the Foucault's genealogical discuss and archaeological discuss; and then Foucault’s discourse theory was applied to interpret and reinterpret the results of analyses. The main results of this study are suggested by two specific research questions as follows:- First, what is the discourse on physical education classes which are faked in the field of practicum and which are seen from the eyes of elementary student teachers? The discourse on physical education classes faked in the field of practicum and seen from the eyes of elementary student teachers were largely for-show-classes, curriculum-abiding classes, difficult-to-watch or observe classes, and controlled classes. Second, what is the discourse on physical education classes which are made in the field of practicum and which are hidden from the eyes of elementary student teachers? The discourse on physical education classes made in the field of practicum and hidden from the eyes of elementary student teachers were largely free-ride classes, abnormal operation of curriculum, classes replaced by major subjects, negotiated classes.


I . 서론
 II. 연구의 이론적 토대
 III. 연구방법
  1. 푸코적 분석의 이해
  2. 자료의 수집
  3. 자료의 분석 및 해석
 IV. 결과
  1. 교육실습 현장에서 만들어진, 초등 예비교사들의 시선에 비춰진, 체육수업 담론
  2. 교육실습 현장에서 정당화되어진, 초등 예비교사들의 시선에 감춰진, 체육수업 담론
 V. 논의
 VI. 결론


  • 정호진 Chung, Ho-Jin. 싱가포르 국립교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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