At the time of quickly changing market along with consumers trends as well, it is not easy to set up and introduce some desirable marketing case models.
The case study of Lotte-Chilsung’s beverage campaign under the name called “Pretty Girls Love Pomegranates” was a matter of concern and evaluated by the young customers as a successful model. The achievable elements of the campaign attracted consumers were those things that the creators had started in the beginning to grasp the young peoples sense of values along with mental trends of targeted the rising generation called 1318 ages.
Throughout analysis by the creators of the campaign, it could have seized the altered consumers mind, so thus could have also pursued distinctive ways to potential customers through accurate advertising expression strategys and effective media mix campaign development as well.
Consequently, it pulled out stimuli the sensitivity and aspiration to do purchase the merchandise what the creators expected for.
First in the place, the writers examined the trends of 1318 generation: who they are, what kind of behaviors they are conducting everyday, and then try to introduce CM-Song, Celebrity. IMC that could have excited their sensibility and big wants in the long run.
As a consequence of the campaign, it could have achieved a high recognition within a short periods of times. The selling volume with consumers demands for the manufactured goods on the market have been increased.
시장 상황이 급변하고 소비자가 급변하는 오늘날, 소비의 주체인 소비자를 제대로 알고 그에 맞는 적절한 마케팅 전략을 구사하기란 쉽지 않다. 본 사례연구인 롯데칠성 음료의‘미녀는 석류를 좋아해’캠페인은 단기간에 높은 인지도를 달성하였으며 제품에 대한 시음률도 매우 높게 나타난 성공 캠페인으로 평가된다. 그 성공요인은 1318세대의 가치관과 감성 트렌드를 정확히 파악하고 그들에게 적확한 광고 표현 전략과 효율성 있는 미디어 믹스(Media Mix)를 통한 캠페인 전개로 차별화를 추구하는 데 있었다. 과연, 그들은 어떤 사고와 행동양식을 갖고 있는지 먼저 1318세대의 트렌드를 살펴보고 CM-Song 전략, 모델전략, IMC(Intergrated Marketing Communication)전략을 소개하고자 한다.
문제의 제기
광고 트렌드의 변화
1) Want 세대의 등장
2) CM-송 광고의 효과
3) 유명인 모델의 활용
캠페인의 배경
1) 음료 시장의 변화
2) 제품특성
3) 타깃
캠페인 전개
1) 캠페인 목표
2) Creative
3) IMC 전략
캠페인 결과
1) 기간 및 매체비
2) 캠페인 효과
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