

아동의 부양에 대한 재검토


A Review on the Child Support


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Children have not been matured yet physically and mentally, thus more positive supports are required than any other dependents so as to guarantee their rights to live and make them lead human life. Nonetheless, the issue on the child support has been distorted such like having to be done by parents wholly because it is a part of being solved between parents and children essentially. This attitude is causing results called ‘noninterference’ only rather than becoming solutions on the issue of the child support by being unable to be coincided with fast social developments. According to this, neglected children became to be grown up as members of the society who could not adapt themselves, and thus are becoming the core of social problems such as all kinds of crimes. As the child support is to bring up members of the society and is a very important thing for cultivating the future of a certain society, aggressive measures are required accordingly. Though our country has been endeavoring to elevate child’s rights by participating in UN Convention on the Rights of Child, children in Korea have not been recognized as the subject of rights yet, and also recognitions such like the nation and society have to positively protect and culture all children are very insufficient in addition to parents. Therefore, in order to make children become the subject of rights, and to practice aggressive supports on children after aiming it, researches of making standards on support’s degrees and methods suggested through juridical arrangements have to be made first, and then methods of ensuring implementations of child-support burdens shall be studied connectedly. In accordance with it, this study established the definition on the child support, and also proposed standards on support degrees and methods by considering children’s characteristics as dependents together with social requirements.


Ⅰ. 서
 Ⅱ. 아동에 대한 부양
  1. 아동에 대한 부양의 의의
  2. 부양과 양육, 양육비의 관계
  3. 아동양육의 내용
  4. 피부양자로서 아동의 특징
  5. 피부양아동의 범위와 부양의무자의 범위
 Ⅲ. 아동부양과 관련한 법률
  1. 민법에서 아동부양
  2. 아동복지법에서 아동부양
  3. 영ㆍ유아 보육법에서 아동부양
 Ⅳ. 결


  • 최현숙 Choi Hyun-sook. 부산대학교 법학연구소 박사후연수연구원.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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