


중국 주식시장의 주권분치(株權分置) 개혁에 관한 연구


A Study on the Reform of Difference of the Stockholder's Rights in China's Stock Market


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on the Reform of Difference of the Stockholder's Rights in China's Stock Market Seo, Seok-Heung Since it was first established in December 1990, the history of the Chinese stock market have been more than 20 years. During this period, the most important reform that changed the structure of the Chinese stock market is the reform of difference of the stockholder's rights. The difference of the stockholder's rights refers to the state that the stock of a listed company is separated into negotiable stock and unnegotiable stock, which resulted from historical causes. The reform of difference of the stockholder's rights means the reform to alter unnegotiable stock to negotiable stock, thus uniting both kinds of stock as negotiable stock. This thesis is the synthetic research about the China's reform of difference of the stockholder's rights. I have dealt with the origin and weakness of the difference of the stockholder's rights, causes behind the failure of state-owned stock's selling out, what could be learned from it, the concrete process of the reform of difference of the stockholder's rights, its procedures and main characteristics, and the core issues regarding the reform processes. What has been utilized for the thesis are not only academic essays, but also Chinese newspapers and magazines' special articles, and the reminiscences from the participants in the reform.


1. 머리말--중국 주식시장의 발전과 주권분치 개혁
 2. 주권분치의 역사적 연원과 폐해
 3. 국유주 시가 매각 정책과 실패의 교훈
 4. 주권분치 개혁의 전개과정
 5. 주권분치 개혁의 절차와 제도 혁신
 6. 주권분치 개혁의 핵심 쟁점--대가 지불 문제
 7. 맺음말--요약 및 평가


  • 서석흥 Seo, Seok-Heung. 부경대학교 경제학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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