


近代 文學家와 美術批評 - 「文部省美術展覧会」를 中心으로 -


Modern Writers & Art Review - Centering around 「Art Exhibition Held by Ministry of Education, Science and Culture」 -

근대 문학가와 미술비평 - 「문부성미술전람회」를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Natsume Soseki watched a public exhibition held by Ministry of Education, Science and Culture(that is also called, ‘Munjeon’) and left a review, 『Munjeon and Art』 in Taisyo 1st year(1912). It is the only art review among what he left as organized ones. With background of turbulent times, it played a guiding role in approaching to art with ironical and humorous expressions, faithful attitude toward a work, etc, and it was an important witness in art history at the same time. By the way, Lee, Kwang-Woo also released 『Tokyo Jabsin』in Mail Daily Newspaper at similar times, among which there is 「Munjeon Review」. Two writers of Korea and Japan gave the public art reviews through influential and familiar media, newspaper, with a public exhibition held by Ministry of Education, Science and Culture as a turning point. It means that writers are writing 「Record of Visiting」 from viewers' position toward a new object, art. 「Art starts from self-expression and ends at self-expression.」 leads to 「non- communication with others」, but Soseki himself came to face 「self-expression」 hung on the exhibition, extreme field. And he tailored the situation from others' point of view, in which 「selfexpression 」 is given artistic value through others' evaluation as critics or viewers, depending on the weight of the power. Also, in the case of Lee, Kwang-Soo, we need to escape from fragmentary translation, that is, colonialization of art. I could see he had great passion and knowledge and he also had accurate grasp of Japanese art community at that time. I could read he felt pity for colonized Choseon and he was blaming acutely a way to improve from the position of the same race. I could see that both Natsume Soseki and Lee, Kwang-Soo wrote their experience through art review that their pride in general cultural level of their countries was being hurt, as they faced advanced modern culture.


1. 文學家와 展覽會
 2. 批評의 미디어 「新聞」
 3. 美術과 文學의 遭遇
 4. 自己認識과 他者表象
 5. 맺으며


  • 박성희 Park, Seong-Hee. 동의대학교 인문사회연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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