


1-Deoxynojirimycin 생산 균주 Bucillus subtilis MORI 3K-85의 단백질 분석


Protein Analysis of Bacillus subtilis MORI 3K-85 with Reference to the Biosynthesis of 1-Deoxynojirimycin

조용석, 강경돈, 박영식, 이재연, 김현수, 육원정, Shizuo George Kamita, 황교열, 성수일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In our previous study, we isolated and characterized a 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ)-producing bacterium, Bacillus subtilis MORI, from chungkookjang, a Korean traditional food. B. subtilis MORI was subjected to γ-irradiation and the resulting bacteria were screened for increased DNJ production. A mutant was identified that produced 7.6 times more DNJ and named B. subtilis MORI 3K-85. In this study, the protein profiles of both strains were compared by one-dimensional and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1-DE and 2-DE, respectively) under both native and denaturing conditions. The 1-DE native-PAGE and 1-DE SDS-PAGE analyses identified 5 and 7 bands, respectively, that were found at higher concentrations in B. subtilisMORI 3K-85 than in B. subtilis MORI. Similarly, 2-DE analyses identified 20 protein spots which were found at higher concentrations in B. subtilis MORI 3K-85. The peptide mass profiles of these 20 proteins were analyzed by MALDI-TOF and compared with peptide sequences of B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens in the MASCOT database. This screening suggested that three dehydrogenases, an aldolase, a synthetase, an isomerase, a reductase, and a peroxidase are elevated in B. subtilis MORI 3K-85. Based on this data, one or more of the elevated 8 enzymes might be related to the DNJ biosynthetic pathway.


 1. 서론
 2. 재료 및 방법
  2.1. 균주 배양 및 시료조제
  2.2. 1차원 전기영동 (1-DE)
  2.3. 2차원 전기영동 (2-DE)
  2.4. MALDI-TOF 분석
 3. 결과 및 고찰


  • 조용석 Yong Seok Cho. 수원대학교 생명과학과, (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소
  • 강경돈 Kyung-Don Kang. (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소
  • 박영식 Young Shik Park. (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소
  • 이재연 Jae Yeon Lee. (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소
  • 김현수 Hyun Su Kim. 수원대학교 생명과학과
  • 육원정 Won Jeong Yuk. (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소
  • Shizuo George Kamita 캘리포니아주립대학교 (데이비스) 곤충학과
  • 황교열 Kyo Yeol Hwang. (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소
  • 성수일 Su-Il Seong. 수원대학교 생명과학과, (주)바이오토피아 부설생명과학연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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