Liability on GMOs' Potential Risk in Supplementary Protocol
GMO has been issued on its potential risk after the commercialization of GMOs. However, there is no international legal system on liability and remedies. Developed conturies did not want to have a strong regulation on GMOs' potential risk while developing countries tried to make a strict liability on GMOs' risk. As a result of 10 years discussions, the Supplementary Protocol was adapted. Main issue of this protocol is liability and remedies. However, there are several problems. First, the Protocol did not present the legal system of liability and remedies. Instead, the protocol delegates the legal system of national laws. Secondly, this protocol covers only living GMO. However, living GMOs are very few in market and most of all GMOs are processed. Thirdly, there is no regulation for finance which is huge in GMOs' damages on human health and environment. For implementation act, we have to consider how to solve them. For example, whether the new law which covers GMOs' special liability is established.
Ⅱ. GMO의 위험
III. 의정서 상의 책임에 관한 논의 동향
Ⅵ. 국내 입법 시의 고려사항
Ⅴ. 결론