

미국 및 일본 대중골프장 운영사례를 통한 국내 골프장 산업시장의 금후 과제


Operating practices of the future market challenges in Korea through U.S. and Japan public golf courses


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper golf market orientation by examining the continued growth of the national sport of all ages can enjoy golf as a true wish was to offer suggestions. This end era of popularity of golf, a fully public golf course in the United States and Japan through a comparative analysis of the case. The result is follow. First, golf populous metropolitan areas based on the public golf course development will be mitigated. Second, various golf courses operating at greatly reduced the tax burden will have to contribute to the popularization of golf. Third, the problem now appeared to receive a lot of golf membership ‘gold membership’ has raised the need to review. Fourth, when the membership sale ‘gongjeongryul 30%’ to ‘gongjeongryul 50%’ will be the need to strengthen. In conclusion, this is expected to solve the problem in the future golf courses, as well as government regulations that comply with popular age people really enjoy them free to participate and present the alternatives to more people happy through the sport of golf You can enjoy more than the welfare level of health facilities is expected to consider the offer.


 I. 서론
 II. 한·일 골프장시장 비교
 III. 미·일 대중골프장 운영사례
 IV. 국내 골프산업시장의 과제


  • 최종필 Choi, Jong-Pill. 대구대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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