Study of Korean Education with Creative Acticity
Study of Korean Education with Creative Acticity Korean education defines differently its areas and objects according to the times, subjects and scholars. Korean education can be classified into three parts, the education of mother tongue for local residents, Korean education as the second language and Korean education as the foreign language. In this thesis, we're going to process the study focused on the Korean education as the third foreign language. Korean education as the foreign language is the area of learning which is different with Korean linguistics and Korean pedagogy for Korean nationals. As the targets of education are different, there are many differences in educational purposes, contents and the methodology of teaching-learning. And also, it's fair that the educational objectives should be different according to the learning objectives of educational subjects(learners). In this study, like this, we're going to present the teaching method to read the literary works and to induce the creative activity of learners with the methodological approach to induce the learning motivation in the process of teaching Korean to the foreigners. The literary works are the fruit of a comprehensive culture expressed with a high-class language and applying this to the language education is meaningful. Accordingly, utilizing the literary works for the education can expand its educational scope to the high-dimensional purpose, comprehensive cultural communication through the specialty of Korean beyond the stage and purpose of fragmentary linguistic learning, 'one dimensional reading or understanding' mainly with the grammar or practicality. If combining this and the systematic creative education, the comprehensive education effect of language education can be expected including learners' active
2. 국내 한국어교육 및 교육기관 현황
3. 한국어교육과 창작교육-시 텍스트의 활용 가능성
1) 한국어교육과 창작교육
2) 시 텍스트의 활용 가능성
4. 창작활동을 활용한 교육실제 및 방법론 점검 - 단국대 한국어교육센터의 경우
1) <국제 한국어문화 전문강사> 과정 및 교과목 소개
2) 교육방법 점검 - 창작활동의 효율적 활용 방안
5. 결론을 대신하여: 언어-문학-문화