

창의력 개발을 위한 글쓰기 교수 모형 연구 - 콘텐츠를 활용한 내용생성하기 전략을 중심으로


A Study on the Creativity Enhancement Through Writing Education -Focusing on the content creation strategy for utilizing the Cultural Content


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on the Creativity Enhancement Through Writing Education -Focusing on the content creation strategy for utilizing the Cultural Content Seo, Yeon Ju The purpose of this study was to help the students increase their creative thinking abilities by applying the content. Teaching strategies for using content to create is more efficient to extend the schema. Scheme 'prior knowledge' or 'background' of the words stored in the memory of man all the knowledge about the world means the totality of experience. To take advantage of this scheme to enable the learning strategies in ask a question, to associate, to predict, infer can be divided into the four. Take advantage of the schema learning strategy motivation of the learner to improve the teaching and learning effective ways can be called. In addition, the eye of the reader methodology utilized to create the schema is also helpful for the top. The diagnosis of a schema using the schema classes and withdrawals - the active phase schema - a schema in a sequential order so that reinforcement is recommended. Step 4 consists of this workshops were writing. From concept stage to collect the first a subject matter by applying them to write short sentences, short article by expanding it further to the process of servo information to produce a strategy to continue teaching and to broaden the scheme to provide content to the section on the captured. Of course, writing courses, which, depending on the nature and class size to an appropriate level will be able to do it. In this study, I suggest a guidance plan for teaching-learning written feedback classified by each that leads to revision more activity and continuously. Aesthetic appreciation, especially paintings to help improve posture and an aesthetic sense of work, listening and collecting information through reflective thinking and exploration, through active interaction to discover beauty in real life, it helps to enjoy. Writing study process, that students of that age make small groups and have conversations and solve problems together, will be model of open education of 21century, that learners actively and voluntarily lead class around learners themselves.


1. 경계를 아우르는 상호텍스트성에 대한 고민
 2. 스키마 활용 교수법과 창의력 증진 효과
 3. 콘텐츠를 활용한 교수 모형 적용사례
  1) 콘텐츠를 활용한 글쓰기 워크숍 진행 방법
  2) 그림 감상을 통한 내용 생성하기 전략과 콘텐츠를 통한 스키마 확장 수업 사례
 4. 창의적 수업을 위한 제언


  • 서연주 Seo, Yeon-Ju. 평택대 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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