

문예창작교육론의 구조적 지형과 논점 - 소설창작교육론을 중심으로


The Structural Topography and Disputed Points in Educational Theory of Creative Writing - With a focus on educational theories of writing novels


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Structural Topography and Disputed Points in Educational Theory of Creative Writing - With a focus on educational theories of writing novels Na, So-Joung(Dankook Univ.) This article raises a serious question about whether education of creative writing will remain in a subordinate or marginal place of literary education or take a central position in the discourse. Today's reality is that there is a shortage of discussion about the design and teaching method of a specific and practical course that can be integrated into a curriculum and that it is difficult to find academic discussions about writing novels or examples of its theorization work. There is no denying that there have been only poor efforts to explore the boundaries and correlations between theory and practice in multifaceted ways and to combine the results with a curriculum. It is quite necessary to think over how to accept education of writing novels provided by colleges in an academic standpoint. At this point, it should be noted that there are piles of tasks to be discussed and addressed in relation with creative education including establishing the concept and rationale of creative education to make the justification and grounds of education of creative writing clear, setting educational goals and destinations, designing subjects and educational content, establishing systematic theories, searching for all sorts of diverse teaching and learning methods to supplement the apprentice classes in the field of creative education, and developing tools to assess creative works. It is required to take new interest in "study of creative writing" from an academic perspective in addition to "theory of creative writing" from a technical and practical perspective and further to reinforce and expand the academic capabilities of study of creative writing. The study is interested in granting new meanings to the theory of writing novels and exploring methodological directions for it. In theory, it will examine if it is possible for the principles of writing novels to overcome the perspective of understanding the meanings of writing novels in the viewpoint of external utility as well as to graduate from individual writers' subjective interpretations and whether there can be a perspective that finds values in the theory of writing novels based on certain ideological foundations. In an attempt to address all those questions, the study proposes and analyzes educational methodologies as cases based on each of the disputed points.


1. 들어가며
 2. 소설가가 쓴 소설창작론
 3. 문학창작교육론적 관점에서 본 창작교육의 현재적 조건
 4. 소설창작교육의 설계와 수업 모형의 개발 현황
 5. 담론적 역량의 강화와 융합 학문으로서의 문예창작교육론의 재구축


  • 나소정 Na, So-Joung. 단국대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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