

드라이버의 슬롯 스윙에서 샤프트각


Shaft Angle in Slot Swing of Driver

김진철, 정경일, 이근춘, 조창호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The radius of swing path in backswing is so large and decreased in downswing through late hitting that the club head speed may increase abruptly by the conservation of angular momentum. The ideal angle condition of optimum distance and accuracy in driving is 45 degrees in downswing which is called 'slot swing'. A swing difference between the pros and the amateurs has been found that the pros' backswing angle is bigger than downswing angle while the amateurs' downswing is bigger than backswing. Thus most of the amateurs do not follow the 'slot swing' principle and LPGA pros' downswing angle have more deviation from the 45 angle standard than KPGA pros. The apparent difference between the pros and the amateurs in the gap of backswing angle and downswing angle may be deferred as the cause for the poor distance and accuracy problems of amateur golfers.


 I. 서론
 II. 연구방법
  1. 연구 대상
  2. 분석 장비
  3. 스윙 전 자세
  4. 레이트 히팅(Late 또는 Delayed Hitting)
  5. 레이트 히팅의 정량적인 접근
 III. 실험 결과
 IV. 논의 및 결론


  • 김진철 Kim, Jin-Chul. 조선대학교
  • 정경일 Chung, Kyung-Il. 세종대학교
  • 이근춘 Lee, Kun-Chun. 호서대학교
  • 조창호 Cho, Chang-Ho. 배재대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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