

무기체계 연구개발사업 협상의 게임이론적 분석


Game-theoretic Analysis in Negotiating for Weapon Systems Research and Development


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Selecting the best supplier in weapon systems research and development(R&D) is one of the most important steps for program success. The R&D program is awarded to the company considering both the firm’s technology capability and pricing. The government uses Negotiation Process (NP) to select the best supplier. So, we need a systematic approach in negotiation to select the best supplier. The purpose of the paper is to use and analyze the NP using game theory that is being used widely in various areas. The paper says that NP in weapon systems R&D has many problems to be solved for efficient and successful program management. These problems are as follows: limited time, confusion in economic acquisition, poor preparation of strategies and alternatives, poor analysis of the company, excessive focus on short-term outcome, and poor methods in making sure of satisfactory performance. This paper shows that game-theoretic approach can aid in preparing for negotiation, setting up strategies, and analyzing the environment and results of the NP. Currently, there already are existing data that proves that the game-theoretic approach (equilibrium) can be useful in analyzing the NP.
Based on the study adapting game theory, this paper proposes many alternatives to improve the NP in weapon systems R&D. These alternatives include the necessity of setting-up effective strategies before negotiation,
flexibility to change game rule, adoption of multi-suppliers, and so on. This study contributes in a systematic approach toward successful NP in weapon systems R&D. In addition, this study can be applied to various areas such as non-weapon systems R&D and core technology R&D.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 사업자 선정 절차 및 중요성
  1.3 선행연구
 2. 협상과 게임이론
  2.1 협상의 구성요소와 성공조건
  2.2 연구개발사업의 협상과정 및 문제점
  2.3 게임 이론
 3. 게임이론 관점에서의 협상분석
  3.1 게임모형 Ⅰ (동시게임)
  3.2 게임모형 Ⅱ (순차게임)
  3.3 게임모형 Ⅲ (주인-대리인 게임)
 4. 개선방안
  4.1 실효성 있는 협상전략 수립
  4.2 사업 특성에 맞는 성과기반계약제도 활용
  4.3 게임자체를 변경할 수 있어야 한다
  4.4 융통성 있는 협상 대안 준비
 5. 결론
  5.1 연구요약 및 기대효과
  5.2 연구의 한계 및 과제


  • 장희선 Jang, Hee Seon. 방위사업청 방산지원과 국산화계획담당


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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