

문화연구로서 ‘다문화 정치’에 대한 이론적 모색


Theoretical exploration for ‘multiculture politics’ as a culture study.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to try to approach ‘multiculture politics’ theoretically as a culture study. Multiculture often made by groups of people belonging to various classes is suspected in that subjects are adapted and assimilated to the society. Consequently, one tends to see arguments in multicluture with critical views via the way of culture studies. In this study, we have tried to approach multiculture studies with the concept of multiculture politics. The theoretical approach to ‘multiculture politics’ as a culture study is a working process to prepare answers to questions for “What is multiculture?” “Who is one, what does one want to be and how to live?” in ones who live in multiculture society. The area of multiculture politics is studied via classification in the category of personal areas, cultural areas and structural areas. The debate in the multiculture politic model still remains as an assignment to solve. What the contents are in the practice of multiculture politics is studied in terms of the theory of culture studies for multiculture criticizing


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구 고찰
 3. 문화 정치의 이론적 접근
  3.1 주체의 이론
  3.2 정체성 이론
  3.3 문화 정치
 4. ‘다문화 정치’의 이론적 모색
  4.1 다문화 정치 영역의 수준
  4.2 개인적 권리수준(P) 측면에서 다문화 정치 내용
  4.3 문화적 수준(C)에서의 다문화 정치
  4.4 구조적 수준(S)에서 다문화 정치 모델
 5. ‘다문화 정치’의 실천
  5.1 ‘다문화 인식’ 개선운동
  5.2 생활 세계에서의 ‘다문화 주체되기’
  5.3 정치적 올바름과 담론정치
  5.4 정체성의 스타일과 하위문화 형성
  5.5 다문화 공간 확장을 위한 법 개선 운동
  5.6 차별적 신화 벗겨내기
  5.7 공간의 정치(Politics of Space)


  • 박천응 Park, Chunung. 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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