

설악산 잣나무(Pinus koraiensis) 천연림의 해발고별 임분구조 및 생장특성


Stand Structure and Growth Characteristics at Different Elevations of the Korean Pine(Pinus koraiensis) Natural Forest on Mt. Seorak

김현섭, 배상원, 장석창, 정준모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to analyze the stand structure and growth characteristics along different elevations of Pinus koraiensis natural forests located at mean elevation 1,300 m (site1), 900 m (site2) and 600 m (site3) on Mt. Seorak. Mean DBH and height of P. koraiensis were 25.4 cm and 12.3 m in site1, while that of site2 and 3 were over 40 cm and 20 m, respectively.
For this reason, there was 5 times difference of single tree volume between site1 and other sites(p<0.05). Mean ringwidth increment of P. koraiensis was 1.1 mm/yr in site1, 1.5 mm/yr in site2 and 2.6 mm/yr in site3. However, recent growth of ringwidth has increased by 8.6% in site1, whereas site2 and 3 have fallen by approximately 50% over the last 10 years. These results signify that the growth and distribution of natural P. koraiensis are effected by different climatic environment along elevations.


 재료 및 방법
  1. 조사지 개황
  2. 임분조사
  3. 상대우점치 분석
  4. 임분구조 및 생장특성 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 상대우점치
  2. 조사지별 생육상황
  3. 직경급 및 수고급 분포
  4. 해발고별 천연잣나무 생장특성 비교
  5. 해발고별 천연잣나무 연륜생장 비교


  • 김현섭 Hyun Seop Kim. 국립산림과학원 산림생산기술연구소
  • 배상원 Sang Won Bae. 국립산림과학원 산림생산기술연구소
  • 장석창 Seok Chang Jang. 국립산림과학원 산림생산기술연구소
  • 정준모 Jun Mo Jeong. 국립산림과학원 산림생산기술연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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