

Comparison of Plant Diversity of Natural Forest and Plantations of Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh




The purpose of the study was to assess and compare the diversity of plant species (trees, shrubs, herbs) of natural forest and plantations. A total of 52 plant species were recorded in the natural forest, of which 16 were trees, 15 were shrubs and 21 were herbs. On the contrary, 31 species of plants including 11 trees, 8 shrubs and 12 herbs were identified in plantation forest. Shannon-Wiener diversity index were 2.70, 2.72 and 3.12 for trees, shrubs and herbs respectively in the natural forest.
However, it was 2.35 for tree species, 2.31 for shrub species and 2.81 for herb species in the plantation forest. Jaccard’ similarity index showed that 71% species of trees, 44% species of shrubs and 43% species of herbs were same in plantations and natural forest.


  Study site
  Species richness
  The Shannon- Wiener diversity index
  Composition of tree species in the study area
  Composition of shrub species in the study area
  Composition of herb species in the study area
  Diversity indices of plant species of natural forest and plantations of the study area


  • Norul Alam Sobuj Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, School of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences
  • Mizanur Rahman Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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