

공물의 사용관계와 행정지도 - 논 소득기반 다양화 사업에 따른 간척지 임차농민의 보호와 관련하여 -


Administrative Guidance in connection with using Public Property - Concerning protection tenant farmers who farm the reclaimed land under the multi-purpose business for farming income stabilization from the rice fields -

김성원, 박정일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The multi-purpose business for farming income stabilization from the rice fields is the public enterprise for keeping supply and demand of rice in balance by using the adequate acreage for rice, improving the degree of food self-support and keeping the right amount of rice fields. The business has been expanded to Public Property, the reclaimed land including the general rice fields.
Actually, the reclaimed farmland is good only for rice but government has ignored this reclaimed land's characteristics and pushed ahead this business. In addition, differently from before, tenant farmers who farm the reclaimed land don't have the right of choice for agricultural products any more. Also they cannot choose but accept the contract government is offering in order to rent the reclaimed land for their living.
The reclaimed farmland is for social benefit administration. So it should be used for farmers' better lives. By using tenant farmers' relatively disadvantageous position, however, government has changed the terms of the contract on using the reclaimed farmland unilaterally.
In fact, social benefit administration is for public administration. So social benefit administration must be come under control of Public Law. To avoid this Public Law's binding force, however, government has allowed Public Property, the reclaimed farmland to be used by tenant farmers under Private Law.
Though a lot of regulations and theories for solving this problem and protecting the tenant farmers have been established, there are still many things to be improved.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 공물의 사용관계
  1. 공물사용자의 지위
  2. 간척농지 임대
 Ⅲ. 행정지도와 임의적 선택의 가능성
  1. 행정지도
  2. 포장된 자발적 협력
 Ⅳ. 행정지도와 행정구제
  1. 실질상 권력적 사실행위
  2. 국가배상
  3. 예기치 못한 상황이 발생한 경우
 Ⅳ. 맺으며


  • 김성원 Kim, Sung - Won. 원광대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 법학연구소 연구위원, 법학박사
  • 박정일 Bak, Jeong - Il. 벽성대학교 부동산행정학과 시간강사, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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