

게임 가상물에 대한 이용자의 권리의 법적 성격


Legal Features of User's right to Game Virtual Assets


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is evident that with its speedily growing Internet population, we have had more explosive growing of players playing online game such as MMORPG(Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game). Development of online game such as MMORPG unavoidably causes problems regarding to legal feature of game virtual assets, initial title to right, and legitimacy of cash transaction thereto. To solve problems above, in this article, I will intend to propose new rules for protecting game virtual assets as a modified usufruct of intangibles.
The following is the summary of my article. Firstly I will address definition, types and legal features of game virtual assets. Secondly, I will deal with user's right to game virtual assets and, thirdly, I will review transfer of game virtual assets and legitimacy of cash transaction thereof.
Fourthly, Furthermore, with regard to protection of game virtual assets, I will propose new rules for protecting game virtual assets as a modified usufruct of intangibles.
Finally, I expect this article will become a starting point and steppingstone to be of any assistance in establishing substantive rules for protecting game virtual assets.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 게임가상물의 개념과 유형
  1. 게임가상물의 현황
  2. 게임가상물의 개념
  3. 게임가상물의 유형
 Ⅲ. 게임가상물의 법적 성격과 그에 대한 권리
  1. 게임가상물의 법적 성격
  2. 게임가상물에 인정되는 권리
  3. 게임이용자의 게임가상물에 대한 권리
 Ⅳ. 게임가상물의 양도성
  1. 양도되는 권리의 내용
  2. 게임가상물 양도금지 약관의 효력
  3. 양도금지법규의 효력
  4. 게임가상물의 양도성에 관한 소결
 Ⅴ. 게임가상물에 대한 이용자 권리의 성격에 관한 새로운 접근
  1. 일반
  2. 기존 견해의 문제점
  3. 사이버용익물권의 개념
  4. 사이버 용익물권에 관한 입법론
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 박진아 Park, Jin - A. (사)기술과법연구소 부소장, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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