

문화적 배경과 종교사

고대 이스라엘의 도피성과 고대 한국의 별읍(別邑)과 소도(蘇塗)


Cities of refuge in ancient Israel and a separate city(別邑) and Sodo(蘇塗) in ancient Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cities of refuge in ancient Israel and a separate city(別邑) and Sodo(蘇塗) in ancient Korea Joong Ho Chong, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Christian Studies Keimyung University The purpose of this study is to resolve contention related to cities of refuge in the Old Testament by comparing the similarities and differences between cities of refuge of ancient Israel and a separate city(別邑) and Sodo(蘇塗) in Mahan. Six out of 48 levitical cities distributed in ancient Israel are divided as cities of refuge. The most important role of cities of refuge is to protect the murderer who killed accidentally. Meanwhile, a separate city(別邑) and Sodo(蘇塗) was a similar shelter in ancient Korea. Records about a separate city and Sodo appears in Hanjun(韓傳), Wijidongijun(魏志東夷傳), Three Kingdoms(三國志) which was written by Jinsoo(陳壽, 233-297). A separate city and Sodo were sacred places where the criminals were protected. Through studying Sodo we can conclude that cities of refuge were established in the discrete period of political power and religious authority. And after the strengthening of the political power and the formation of national and state systems, cities of refuge were no longer maintained. Thus, cities of refuge were established before the power of throne was enhanced. Although controversial, the most probable period of establishment and operation of cities of refuge is before the throne was strengthened sufficiently before the time of David. Cities of refuge protected involuntary manslaughters after a trial based on priestly theology. However ordinary criminals escaped into Sodo. For the purpose of fixing the order and edification, Sodo imposed a punishment or a pardon by a criminal trial. As for case of the cities of refuge, the involuntary slaughters were able to go out when the high priest died. However, in Sodo, they were not able to go out. In Sodo, during the spring and autumn period, by offering a sacrifice to heavenly god, the economic trade was also carried out in the separate city. However, the cities of refuge were not economic centers.


이 논문은 구약에 소개되는 도피성과 마한의 별읍과 소도를 비교하고 그 유사성과 차이점을 파악하므로 도피성에 관련된 논쟁점들을 해결하고자 한다. 저자는 이 논문에서 고대 이스라엘에서 도피성이 정치권력보다 종교권력이 우위에 있었던 시대에 운영되었다는 것을 주장한다. 저자는 또한 도피성에는 소도와 같이 제사를 드리는 제단이 있었고, 별읍이 제사 기간에는 교역의 중심지가 되었다는 사실을 밝힌다.


1. 서론
 2. 도피성과 소도와 천군(天君)
 3. 소도와 별읍을 통해 본 도피성의 역사성과 시대적 배경
 4. 도피성과 소도로 피신한 사람들의 정체
 5. 도피성과 소도의 사회 경제적 기능
 6. 결론
 7. 참고문헌


  • 정중호 Joong Ho Chong. 계명대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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