


EPR 신규 대상품목의 장기 재활용목표율 재산정에 관한 연구


A Study on Recalculation of the Long-Term Recycling Rate of New EPR Target Ite

이희남, 최윤정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the past annual recycling obligation rate calculation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system, it was difficult to operate the system efficiently, because responsible producers passively participated in the scheme only bent on achieving annual obligation without long-term plan. Thus, a new scheme of long-term recycling obligation rate began to be established every five year from 2008 in order to give the basis for the notice of annual specific operation standard and recycling obligation, thereby helping responsible producers to make a preparation with a plan and giving expectation of active operation of the scheme. However, in the operation of long-term recycling target program, while the development of prediction models and the evaluation for existing items has been conducted in various ways, applications for a new target items and the evaluation are quite insufficient. Therefore, in this study, problems in implementing long-term recycling goal of new target items will be examined, and more objective and rational long-term recycling rate calculation and the operation standard will be proposed. Thus, the long-term recycling target will play a role as a pacemaker to steadily improve the recycling performance of target items, and responsible producers will be expected to increase the achievement with the realistic capacity.


 1. 서론
 2. 장기 재활용목표율 제도
 3. 신규 대상품목의 운영현황 분석
 4. 장기 재활용목표율 재산정
  4.1 연도별 재활용의무율 산정방식
  4.2 장기 재활용목표율 산정방식
  4.3 결과 분석 및 운영방안
 5. 결론



  • 이희남 Hee-Nahm Lee. 유한대학 산업경영과
  • 최윤정 Yoon-Jeong Choi. 인하대학교 산업공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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