Development of a Curriculum Guide for Health Education at Junior and Senior High Schools
Purpose: This study is intended to provide easy explanations needed to ensure correct understanding of the notification of health education curriculum revised in 2008, health education curriculum at middle and high schools as well as their effective application at schools. Teachers of health lessons can provide better guidance for their classes only when they are well informed of intent and direction of health lessons sought after by the nation, objective and systematic content of health lessons, teaching methods, characteristics of teachinglearning materials and their evaluation. The contents of the guide have been sufficiently detailed and clarified in such a way that can increase understanding of school health education as pursued by the nation. Methods: This is reported research as its contents have been finalized through analysis of documentary records concerned with health education available at both home and abroad, a council of health education experts and public hearings organized for extensive collection of opinions from professor and teachers. Results: The guidebook has been prepared in 5 areas covering respectively "background of revision to health education curriculum", "how health education curriculum has been changed over time", " focus on health education curriculum", "explanations on health education curriculum" and "comparison of new and previous curriculum". Also developed were key initiatives on 6 health related subjects. Conclusion: The greatest significance of this research lies in the fact that it has come up with the first guide book for health education ever prepared in our history. It is also meaningful for the guide book to enable teachers to teach their classes better by providing them with easy interpretation of the contents notified by the government and to have set guidelines for directions in which health of our youths should be promoted. Since this is the first work, continuous research and development should further be carried out in the future.
1. 연구내용
2. 연구방법 및 절차
1. 문헌분석
2. 중·고등학교 보건과 교육과정 해설서 구성체제
3. 보건과목 개정의 중점내용
4. 해설서 내용의 주개념과 부개념
5. 신·구 교육과정
결론 및 제언
1. 결론
2. 제언