A Study on the Prevalence and Predisposing Factors for Obesity Among Mentally Disabled Children in Korea
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to estimate obesity rate among mentally disabled children in six public schools in Korea. Furthermore, this study identified several factors that correlated with these children's obesity. The results of this study can help identify mentally disabled children who are at an increased risk for obesity and can be used to promote good health in this population. Methods: 1,102 subjectsfrom six public special schools were classified 4 groups who assessed for BMI for age-gender specific reference chart(1998) based on our previous data. Moreover, 207 parents were surveyed to identify predisposing factors for children's obesity, including characteristics of the children and parents, socioeconomic factors, children's eating habits, and children's exercise habits. Results: The prevalence of obesity among the 1,102 mentally disabled children was 17.3%. There was a statistically significant correlation between obesity and factors, such as age, maternal education, parents' perceptions about their child's obesity, frequency of breakfast, and exercise habits. Each of these factors was determined to have a statistically significant influence on obesity when all other factors were controlled in a multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression analysis. Conclusions: Parental perceptions had an especially strong impact on the weight of their mentally disabled child. This is presumably due to the great influence that parents have on the lifestyles of their children, including dietary habits and frequency of exercise. Furthermore, the rate of obesity was directly proportional to the age of the child. The results of this study strongly indicate the need for preemptive health education programs that stress weight management for mentally disabled elementary school students.
I. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 연구의 목적
3. 용어의 정의
II. 연구방법
1. 연구대상 및 시기
2. 연구방법
3. 연구도구 및 내용
4. 자료 분석방법
III. 연구결과
1. 대상자의 일반적인 특성
2. 서울시 6개 공립 특수학교 전체 대상자의 비만 실태
3. 장애아동의 비만관련요인 분석
IV. 고찰
1. 서울시 6개 공립 특수학교 아동의 비만실태
2. 장애아동의 비만관련요인
V. 결론