Problems and Improvements in Surveys on Health Risk Behaviors among Adolescents in Korea
Purpose : This study was done for reviewing problems in surveys on youth health risk behaviors in Korea and for looking for strategies to improve surveys of youth health risk behaviors through literature review. Method : This study reviewed foreign and domestic literatures. Results : The main problems were as follows; 1) lack of health risk behavior surveys focused on health behaviors, 2) differences in health risk behaviors surveyed, 3) inconsistency in the measurement on health risk behaviors, 4) lack of representativeness of the sample, using convenient sampling. Conclusions: Several suggestions were made for the future research, including establishment of systems for youth health risk behavior survey nationwide, introduction of internet survey, maintenance of consistency in health risk behaviors surveyed, investigation of relating factors relevant to health risk behaviors, and uses of survey results.�
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 국내의 여구동향
3. 국외의 연구동향
4. 우리나라 청소년 건강위험행위 실태조사의 문제점
1) 건강위험행위 실태 조사의 부족
2) 건강위험행위 측정 범위의 상이성과 협소성
3) 건강위험행위 측정의 비일관성
4) 표본추출방법 상의 문제
5. 우리나라 청소년 건강위험행위 실태조사를 위한 제언
1) 청소년 건강위험행위 실태조사 체계 구축
2) 인터넷 설문조사의 도입
3) 청소년 건강위험행위 조사 항목의 일관성 유지
4) 청소년 건강위험행위의 실태조사와 관련 요인의 탐색
5) 청소년 건강위험행위 실태조사 결과의 활용