

ICNP를 적용한 학교간호현상 및 특성과 초.중.고등학교의 학교간호현상 비교


Comparison of School Nursing Phenomena at Elementary, Middle and High Schools by Applying ICNP

김영임, 왕명자, 양순옥, 현혜진, 박은옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose : this study purposed to investigate school nursing phenomena in Korea by applying ICNP, the international standard nursing classification system developed by ICN, and to compare school nursing phenomena at elementary, middle and high schools. Method : The subjects of this study are 110 nursing teachers from 82 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, and 12 high schools. In the survey, subjects were asked to score the degree to which phenomena and characteristics of Korean school nursing, identified in previous research, on a 5 point scale. Questionnaires were distributed and recovered by mail and email. The period of data collection was 6 months from July to December 2003. The general characteristics of schools and nursing teachers were represented with frequencies and percentages, the phenomena and characteristics of school nursing with the mean score of the questions, and the phenomena school nursing by school grade with ANOVA and Duncan's posterior analysis. Results : 1) As for the characteristics of schools according to school nursing phenomena related to human behavior, the mean score of questions on inadequate stress management was highest at 3.24 points followed by the score on inadequate weight control (3.23), inadequate eating habits (3.22), the risk of spine disorders (2.68), inadequate emergency management (2.62), inadequate response to sex -related problems (2.19), and smoking and drug use (1.85). 2) As for the characteristics of schools according to school nursing phenomena related to human function, the mean score of questions on oral health management was highest at 3.11 points followed by the score on the risk of digestive system disorder (2.87), improper eyesight management (2.81), the risk of respiratory system disorders (2.75), lack of sexual identity (2.52), and inadequate contagious disease control (2.12). 3) As for the mean score according to school nursing phenomena related to environment, the score of the risk of accidents in classroom was highest as 2.68 points followed by the score of the risk of accidents around the school (2.65), maladjustment to school (2.62), the risk of accidents outside the classroom (2.43), inadequate learning environment (1.83), the risk of exposure to socially and physically harmful environment factors (1.82), and inadequate waste disposal (1.77). 4) This study tested the mean scores of questions corresponding to each school nursing phenomenon in order to see if there is a difference in the school nursing phenomenon among elementary, middle and high schools, and performed Duncan's posterior comparison for school nursing phenomena. A significant difference was found at p<.1. According to the results, school nursing phenomena found to be significantly different among elementary, middle and high schools was smoking and drug use (p<.05), which appeared more problematic in high school than in elementary school. phenomena such as inadequate eating habits, inadequate weight control, inadequate response to sex-related problems and inadequate waste disposal were also found to be statistically different at p<.1; however, according to the result of Duncan's posterior comparison, no difference was found among groups in improper eating habits and improper response to sex-related problems, and a significant difference was found between middle and high schools in inadequate weight control and inadequate waste disposal. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to plan school health projects focused on the characteristic school nursing phenomena that had high scores and to develop and execute school healthe projects in accordance with the characteristics of elementary, middle and high schools. Considering that the scores of school nursing phenomena related to human behavior are high, it is necessary to introduce school health promotion projects in a systematic way.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성
 II. 연구방법 및 절차
  1. 연구대상
  2. 자료수집
  3. 자료분석방법
 III. 연구결과 및 논의
  1. 응답자의 근무학교특성 및 일반적 특성
  2. 인간행위와 관련된 학교간호현상과 이에 따른 특성 정도
  3. 인간기능과 관련된 학교간호현상과 이에 따른 특성의 정도
  4. 환경과 관련된 학교간호현상과 이에 따른 특성의 정도
  5. 초,  중, 고등학교의 학교간호현상 비교
 IV. 요약 및 결론


  • 김영임 Young-Im Kim. 한국방송통신대학교 간호학과
  • 왕명자 Myoung-Ja Wang. 경희대학교 간호학과
  • 양순옥 Soon-Ok Yang. 한림대학교 간호학부
  • 현혜진 Hye-Jin Hyun. 강원대학교 간호학과
  • 박은옥 Eun-Ok Park. 제주대학교 간호학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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