

현대 헤어아트에 나타난 초현실주의 표현기법에 관한 연구


A study on the Expression Techniques of Surrealism in Modern Hair Art


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The hair art is seriously affected by the art trends which changes its style in various ways
according to the social and cultural circumstances, which reflect a certain spirit of the times.
In this context, among plenty of art trends making a clear influence on the hair art, I have
studied the inner world of people, or the realm of the subconscious and the unconscious in
order to break out of those existing “trite” artwork. With studying the surrealism which
pursues the liberation of the human spirit, I have examined how the surrealistic representation
techniques have developed up until now. In order to do so, this study has been conducted on
the basis that the surrealism could be divided into the abstract surrealism using the
“Automatism” techniques of a surrealism artist, Werner Haftman and the concrete surrealism
using the “Depaysement” techeniques. “Automatism” is a representation techniques of surrealism
embodying the unconscious without intention, on the other hand, “Depaysement” is the one
with a certain intention of the artist. I believe that creation activities derived from ideas of
those representation techniques and researches for a source of art are the creatures of the
combination of our lives, art and spirit to combine with each other, and, at the same time,
have great significance to the contemporary art.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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