

바디아트에 나타난 데페이즈망의 표현기법에 관한 연구


A Study on Representation Techniques fo Dépaysement in the Body Art


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Minimalism was occurred by breaking the traditional conventions and the pursuit of the
essence. In the midst of the flow of contemporary art, Minimalism emerged in the 1960s is
known that minimal decoration treat briefly with aesthetics and seem to show sophisticated
aspects in lofty elegance.
Now it expand into several areas such as fashion, music, philosophy so there are a variety
of appearances. In the visual arts such as painting or sculpture, it tends to eliminate
unnecessary elements leaving only the nature of the target and mostly minimum number of
colors, simple form of art works.
A lot of research on the mutual relation with Minimalism in the area of the Beauty is in
progress but still insufficient. In this study, we focus on the makeup in the minimalist point
of view and analysis expression characteristics.
Therefore this study has consideration of the artistic, social background about minimalism in
particular focused on the art with expressive association and take a look at the formative
aspect so with this perspectives of expression characteristics analyze the overall image and
presentation elements of makeup and consider about mutual relation accordingly.
Minimalism which is minimized in a form and format can be ironic because the range of
recognition is gradually expanding endlessly in the inner side. Thus in this study has
significance for having clues that Minimalism organize a formatting or style based on leaded
expression characteristics in makeup.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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