


‘경성’의 일본인 사회와 자녀교육 - 통감부 시기와 1910년대를 중심으로 -


Japanese settlers and their education in colonial Seoul From 1880’s to 1910’s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article examines schools administrated by Japanese settlers in Seoul from 1880’s to 1910’s. This article focuses on three purposes. First, papers and magazines published by Japanese settlers rather than documents produced by authorities were used to extract public opinion of the Japanese society. Second, this article pays attention to changes of education policy toward Japanese children at the time of the annexation. Third, this article follows the transformation of organizations in charge of education for Japanese children. To be brief, education policy toward Japanese children shifted from education for residents overseas to education for “Naichijin” at the time of the annexation. In this process, “Naichijin” as a role model was emphasized. Regardless of the Government- General’s motto of “Treating all people equally and without prejudice” and “assimilation,” racially segregated education between the colonizer and the colonized continued after the annexation. As a result of the annexation, Keijo Japanese Residents` Association was closed in 1914, and education for Japanese children was taken over by the Keijo School Association. Officers of the Government-General and teachers of Japanese schools expressed worry about the fact that children born or raised in Korea lacked knowledge about their mother country. This perception influenced on the policy making. The basic aim of the Government-General was to offer Japanese children in Korea the same standard of education as their peers in Japan, while taking into consideration the reality of segregation between Japanese and Koreans. They continued pondering how to educate children as imperial subjects with loyalty. Also, mixed residence with the colonized and colonial "bad practices" in Korea were considered.


I. 머리말
 II. 초기 거류민 교육
 III. 통감부 시기의 거류민 교육
  1. 본국 교육제도의 도입
  2. 중등교육 기관의 설치
 IV. ‘효발병합’ 과 ‘내지인’ 교육의 전개
  1. 모국을 모르는 아동의 증가
  2. ‘내지인’ 교육제도의 정비
 V. 경성거류민단에서 경성학교조합으로
 Vl. 맺음말


  • 이동훈 Yee, Donghoon. 도쿄대학교 총합문화연구과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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