


청일전쟁 이후 雜居地漢城의 공간재편논의와 한청통상조약


The Discussions on Reorganization of a Mixed Residence Quarter Hansung(漢城) and the Sino-Korean Commercial Treaty(1899) after the Sino-Japanese War


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is about the unique character of Hansung(漢城)’s mixed-residence quarter. To clarify this unique character, I analyzed the concept of ‘mixed-residence’ and also reviewed the reorganization of residency and the attempt to treaty revision at the specific time. Mixed-residence in Hansung was originated from the Regulations for Maritime and Overland Trade Between Chos n and Qing(朝淸商民水陸貿易章程) in 1882, which specified the rights to open a store in Hansung. Since then, each countries including England had equal shares of Qing’s rights and interests. However the rights and interests of Qing was acquired by the suzerainty against Chos n. So it was inadequate to define the regulations of Hansung’s residency. Moreover, Hansung’s significance as the capital made the mixed-residence issue a political, diplomatical and socio-economical matter. On one hand, the mixed-residence issue in Hansung could be grasped as the process of reestablishment between Chos n and Qing’s relationship based on modern international law. On the other hand, it could also be the process of Japan’s reorganize towards Chos n’s colonialization.


I. 머리말
 II. 한성의 공간적 재편에 관한제 구상과그논리
  1. 金允植의 외국인거류지 설정안
  2. 井上馨의 외국인잡거지 설정안
 III. ‘雜居’의 의미와 조약개정론의 부상
  1. ‘잡거’의 논리와 자주독립론
  2. ‘잡거’의 현실과 잡거반대론
  3. 잡거 대책으로서의 조약개정론
 IV. 韓淸通商條約의 체결과 잡거문제의 귀결
 V. 맺음말


  • 박준형 Park, Jun-Hyung. 와세다대학 대학원문학연구과 동양사코스 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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