


스쿠버다이빙에서 나타나는 뇌성마비의 원시반사억제를 위한 신체정렬방법의 효과에 관한 사례연구


A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Ideokinesiology for the Primitive Reflexes of A Cerebral Palsy with Spasticity in Scuba-diving

장경호, 유진상, 오문엽, 설정덕

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This is a case study to verify effects of the ideokinesiology to decrease primitive reflexes of a cerebral palsy with spasticity who participates in scuba-diving. The subject demonstrates unappropriated equalizing motions with the righting reflex in descent, that causes abduction of chin and abdominal. The subject also shows Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex(ATNR) with extension of the right side of arm and leg, that makes flotation of whole body with circular motion. The ideokinesiology with "imagery" for the alignment of vertebra effects to remove primitive reflexes of the subject. Results of this study indicate us following: firstly, the righting reflex is not developed by the alignment of head and trunk, that causes a successful equalizing action; secondly, the ATNR reflex is also not developed by conducting eye-contacts, that makes a successful descent forms; thirdly, a successful descent of the subject provides a positive feeling regard to the participation in the scuba-diving. This study indicates that the ideokinesiology to prevent primitive reflexes can be evaluated as a valuable methodology for a successful scuba diving of the cerebral palsy.


  1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 연구 방법
  1. 연구절차
  2. 연구의 논리적 근거
  3. 예비조사
  4. 자료수집과 분석방법
  1. 자세정렬기법에 따른 K군의 자세변화
  2. 자세정렬프로글햄에 대한 K군의 느낌
 결론 및 제언
  1. 결론
  2. 제언


  • 장경호 kyung HO Chang. 명지대학교
  • 유진상 Jin Sang Yoo. 명지대학교
  • 오문엽 Moon Yeop Oh. 명지대학교
  • 설정덕 Jeong Dug Sul. 중앙대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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