

몽골 및 동북아시아 논문

Health System Development in Uzbekistan as the Important Factor for Increasing Living Standards of the Population.



The article is dedicated to basic aspects of health system reforms as the essential component of level and quality of life of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Therefore, the basic legal acts which have formed a basis for sustainable development of this sphere have been given. Measures stimulated the forming organizational, economic and legal conditions for improvement of quality of medical services, education of healthy generation are defined. The basic directions of public health services reforming are analyzed: motherhood and childhood protection; level of disease of the population; the most widespread types of diseases are revealed; the technical-material and staff potential of medical institutions. Effective and rational use of budgetary funds is the important indicator of quality of public health services. In the article the analysis of financial base of public health services, sources of funding are conducted. It is concluded that growth of financial expenses on public health services reflects the effective strategy of the State directed on maintenance of dynamical development of public health. Hence, according to all revealed aspects of public health system achievements during transformation period a number of measures on its further reforming and improvement are offered.


 I. Introduction
 II. Health system development and functioning in the conditions of modernization
 III. Conclusion


  • Khayrullaeva Tamila Ganievna PhD in economics, Senior Research Officer
  • Muzaffar I. Salaev Senior Manager, KPMG, M&A Group Tax.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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