

Services sphere as the factor of maintenance employment and a diversification of economy of Uzbekistan




In 2009 volumes of bank crediting of a small business have increased in comparison with 2008 in 1,5 times, the volume of the allocated microcredits has increased in 2 times. For 2010 the problem is put to provide allocation for the enterprises of a small business and private business of credit resources in volume not less than 2,5 billion UzS, or with growth against 2009 in 1,4 times, volume of microcredits to increase to 420 billion UzS, or in 1,3 times. "Mikrokreditbank"’s primary activity is delivery of credits for formation of the starting capital, preferential microcrediting and microleasing for development of small business and private business. For today the total of branches and minibanks of “Mikrokreditbank” are 74 and 237 accordingly. Branches and minibanks of “Mikrokreditbank” are located and operate in all 14 regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Now microfinancing is intensively developing sphere of the financial services rendered both commercial banks, and the specialized microfinancial organizations for support and a sustainable development of services sphere;


  • B.Tagaev PhD in Economics Institute for Social Researches under the Cabinet Ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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