

Necessity of establishing livestock raw material market in Mongolia



It’s been quite long time since Mongolia had been proceeding in economic system. But there are still negative factors in economic and social level in Mongolia, because of destroyed system to provide with domestic industries raw materials sustained and secure, especially for private sectors which are based on livestock raw materials. With the purpose to reduce negative effects and to make economic system run effectively in our country, we are on demand to establish well organized system of raw materials procurement system which is proper with our character of nomadic culture, geographic situation, and level of economic development and also suitable for method of economic system. “Agriculture market” is considered to accomplish these necessities and requirements, thus we have written our offering and conclusion to enable legal environment of raw material market.


1.Current situation of raw materials procurement
 2.Endeavor to establish livestock raw materials market :
 3. Social-economy significance that will occur when establishing livestock market
 4. Offering for institute legal condition.


  • Ts.Tsetsegmaa Professor, Institute of Commerce and Business, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • S. Tegshjargal Lecturer, Institute of Commerce and Business, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


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