A study on the sections and systems of drama education at ‘Korean’ textbooks in ‘2007 revised curriculum’
A study on the sections and systems of drama education at ‘Korean’ textbooks in ‘2007 revised curriculum’ Kim Nam-seok The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current status and problems of drama education for high school leaners. And the purpose of this paper is to review the section and system of new ‘Korean’ textbooks in ‘2007 revised curriculum’. I have analyzed all accomplishment standards of drama education in 16 kinds of textbooks that had obtained authorization. Among 16 kinds of new ‘korean’ textbooks for high school leaners, 13 kinds of ‘Korean’ textbooks have the section of mask dance for drama education. In particular I have studied the accomplishment standards about drama education in Bongsan mask dance as the scripts and as Korean traditional performing art. As a result, most editors of the textbooks confuse drama(as mask dance) education with the literature language education. This confusion impede the progress of normal drama education for high school leaners.
2. 수록된 극문학 관련 작품과 직접 연계 유형 일람
3. 극문학 직접 연계 유형 단원 구성 방식
1) 균형 잡힌 문학관 형성 효과(좋은책신사고 간행 국어교과서)
2) 극문학 연계 학습의 내실 부족(천재교육(김대행) 간행 국어교과서)
3) 극문학 작품의 내실 있는 연계와 균형 있는 단원 체제(디딤돌 간행 국어교과서)
4. 「봉산탈춤」과 극문학 작품의 직접 연계 유형 단원 구성의 특징
5. 「봉산탈춤」 수록 단원의 문제점과 대안