

애도와 물신 사이에서 - '조선영화'를 중심으로 본 1990년대 북한영화 담론


Between Mourning and Fetishism - the Discourses on North Korean Cinema through Chosunyounghwa of the 1990s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the 1990s’ North Korean Cinema through Chosunyounghwa and some articles by Kim Jung-il. The North Korean cinematic discourses in the 1990s had been changed since the death of Kim il-sung, the dictator of North Korea, taking place in 1994. It advocated the second literature-art revolution in relation to the films such as the series of Minjok and Woonmyong(Nation and Destiny) under the Kim il-sung's regime. While some films of socialist realism were critically acclaimed by people and the party, a diversity of the national film was encouraged by the party at that time. But the death of Kim il-sung caused a closure of the variety of the period. The cinematic discourse focused on the positive future lead by Kim Jung-il, argued Juche realism that seems to be superior to socialist realism, tried to suture the lack of the political power, and displaced the mourning on the death of Kim il-sung with the fetishes, the sublime object of ideology.


애도와 물신 사이에서
  1. 김일성, 죽다
  2. 1990년대 『조선영화』
  3. 실패한 문예혁명?


  • 김선아 Kim, Sun-ah. 단국대 한국문화기술연구소 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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