

이양지 소설에 나타난 재일 여성의 정체성


The identity of korean women in Japan presented in Lee Yang-ji's novel




The purpose of this study is to research into identity of korean women in Japan presented in Lee Yang-ji's novel. She is the second-generation as an ethnic Korean living in Japan(Joseonin: Korean). The characteristic of the second-generation writer at this time can be said to be a sight of marginal man, who is worried between Korea and Japan, unlike the first generation, who identified the fatherland with them, and the third generation, who shows de-nationalism tendency. 「Nabitaryeong」(1982) and 「Haenyeo(woman diver)」, which were addressed in this study, are the works that were reflected the primitive experience related to Lee Yang-ji's identity. Aeja in the former and ‘she’ in the latter are thickly reflected the writer's autobiographical life enough to be allowed to be Lee Yang-ji's other self. 「Haenyeo」 is a work that shows tragic life of ethnic Korean living in Japan(Joseonin). A person whom Korean mother selected as a subject of the second marriage is a Japanese. She got remarried again to a Japanese person with avoiding Korean husband who strives for violence. However, even a Japanese husband is not greatly different. In a sense that patriarchy is equally shown regardless of a nation, it shows that a haven for a woman is impossible for either nation or husband. What proceeds with living as an ethnic Korean(Joseonin) woman living in Japan ultimately implies the necessity of bearing double difficulty, which is forced the sacrifice of patriarchy, along with national discrimination. These two works prove this.


이양지 소설에 나타난 재일 여성의 정체성
  1. 서론
  2. 조센징-일본인, 두 세계의 경계에서
  3. 부재함으로써 드러나는 재일 여성의 삶
  4. 결론


  • 박죽심 Park, Juk-sim. 남서울대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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