

<崔致遠> 揷入詩歌의 양상과 기능


A Study on Inserted Poetry of Choi Chi-won

<최치원> 삽입시가의 양상과 기능


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In terms of various styles of Korean classic literature, the combination of epic and lyric category came originally from earlier period of ancient days than commonly estimated. Legendary story or chuanchi story (傳奇小說), one of ancient Korean early epic styles, is characterized remarkably by the combination of prose with verse. In particular, inserted poems play such a crucial role in romance stories that a flow of epic narration cannot go on with only prose writings except those poems. Historically, these characteristics become established from the period of Tang dynasty in ancient China. Based on these characteristics, this study took an approach of epic mechanism, i.e. inception, development and denouement to examining such different aspects and characteristics of inserted poetry as shown in ‘Choi Chi-won’ that is contained in “Taepyeong Tongjae.” But there are many theoretical controversies about literary styles of ‘Choi Chi-won’ in Korean academic world of ancient Korean literature world. Aspects and characteristics of inserted poetry contained in ‘Choi Chi-won’ don't appear to be different so much from ‘Geumo Shinhwa.’ Conclusively, it is reasonable that ‘Choi Chi-won’ should be considered as a sort of legendary stories in that it typically has early epic styles of ancient Korean literature.


〈崔致遠〉揷入詩歌의 양상과 기능
  1. 序論
  2. 삽입시가의 양상
  3. 삽입시가의 기능
  4. 結論


  • 정숙인 Jung, Sook-in. 중앙대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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