

挹翠軒 朴誾 漢詩의 공간이미지구조 연구


The Study of Eupchihun Bak-Eun's Chinese poetry in space-symbolism

읍취헌 박은 한시의 공간이미지구조 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



this study, I will examine the structure of the poetic images of space in Eupchihun Bak-Eun's Chinese poetry in space-symbolism with the symbolic semantics and the psychological-archetypical methodology. In chapter2 I will inspect the general style of the poetic experiences and the space-symbols, and then I will show Eupchihun Bak-Eun's consciousness and volition through the study of the vertical/horizontal structure of the space in his poetry. Also I will show the meaning of the dismantlement and the unity which is formed of the vertical and horizontal structure crossed or round-shaped. In this study, I adopted the symbolic method in analyzing Chinese poetry in order to provide a passage from the existing studies(that have adopted the thematic theory) of chinese poetry to the current studies. Analyzing spaces means inspecting traces of someone's life and we can see his psychological factors in those traces. The final aim of this study is to analogize the general mentality of the poets who had lived in his same age through those analyses.


挹翠軒 朴誾 漢詩의 공간이미지구조 연구
  1. 서론
  2. 시적경험 양식과 공간기호
  3. 수직/수평적 공간의 매개항과 공간기호체계
  4. 자연관 및 지향의식


  • 임두정 Im, Doo-jeong. 강원대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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