

韓國 民間信仰에 나타난 虎의 存在와 그 象徵


Study on the existence and symbolism of tigers in the folk belief of Korea

한국 민간신앙에 나타난 호의 존재와 그 상징


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The tiger was recognized by the Korean people as a symbolic animal representing fear and respect and was revered as a sacred animal. In light of this, respect towards tigers was formed long ago, and the tiger become a deity as a result of this mindset. By the time tigers appeared in Dangun Sinhwa (the foundation myth of Gojoseon) for the first time in Korean history they were already fully recognized as divine. According to historical document, it illustrates how a ritual was conducted in honor of the tiger deity in Dongyeo. Additionally, in Goryeosa (history of Goryeo), a tiger appeared as both a female deity and mountain god who is said to be a family member of Wangun, the founder of Goryeo. These cases of how tigers are represented and revered are good examples of how historically Korea has valued the tiger as a deity. Thus, this tradition has been well preserved and continuously handed down until the present. The tiger has been believed to be a mountain deity and a guardian god of the statet hroughout the era of the Three Kingdoms, Goryeo Dynasty, and the Joseon Dynasty. In particular, the tiger expanded its functions from guardian god of the nation to guardian god of all villages during the Joseon Dynasty, an understanding which established a solid foothold in the folk belief of Korea. Contrary to this, tiger related-shaman rituals were performed in order to prevent tragic events. This was due to the tiger’s image of fear which was believed to gravely harm and provoke fear. The image of the tiger is a rather negative one, yet the ritual is still conducted in light of tiger’s divinity. In general, tiger’s became the guardian god which protects villages and the country, however, tigers often appeared as a foolish and silly character in folk tales and were often symbolized as foolish tyrants. In folk tales, tigers were taunted by rabbits and often said that dried persimmons were more terrifying than tigers. These examples show the public’s criticism of the tyrant king in which the tiger represents in these anecdotes. The tiger is a deity and is seen as divine in Korea. This is illustrated through many instances of folk beliefs in which the tiger has power to drive evil spirits away. This power and appearance in folk tales strengthen the symbolism of the tiger as a representative animal of Korea. This could likely be related to the reason why a tiger was selected as the official mascot of the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Beliefs and worship in relation to the tiger has continuously been transmitted among Korea for ages.


韓國 民間信仰에 나타난 虎의 存在와 그 象徵
  1. 서
  2. 역사에 기록된 호랑이신앙의 전승양상과 그 특징
  3. 민간에서 전승되는 호랑이신앙의 양상과 그 특징
  4. 용과 대립된 존재로 표현된 호랑이
  5. 호랑이에 대한 상징과 그 의미
  6. 결어


  • 金宗大 김종대. 중앙대 아시아문화학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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