

/ㄴㄹ/ 連鎖의 自由變異現象에 대한 認知的 接近


Cognitive approach to free variation phenomenon in /ㄴㄹ(nl)/ string

/ㄴㄹ/ 연쇄의 자유변이현상에 대한 인지적 접근


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine actual pronunciation data and previous research results regarding to the free variation phenomenon in the /ㄴㄹ(nl)/ string, and to show that there is a possibility to explain the phenomenon in terms of a cognitive approach. For this purpose, we have examined the data from the survey of pronunciation conditions conducted by the National Institute of the Korean Language, and carried out an investigation of modern Korean speakers’ preferences of pronunciation. In terms of the examination of the data, we can yield the following analytic results. (Though ① has been already mentioned by the existing studies, we nevertheless present it for the purpose of a systematic description of the phenomenon.) ① It is according to whether or not there is a morphemic boundary inserted into the /ㄴㄹ(nl)/ string that the free variation of liquidization and nasalization. ② There is a distinction between those speakers who prefer liquidization and those who prefer nasalization. ③ In proportion, those speakers who prefer liquidization outnumber those who prefer nasalization. ④ Even those speakers who prefer liquidization tend to apply nasalization when they pronounce unfamiliar words. ⑤ Those who prefer nasalization tend to apply nasalization more frequently when there is a clear morphemic boundary.


/ㄴㄹ/ 連鎖의 自由變異現象에 대한 認知的 接近
  1. 緖論
  2. /ㄴㄹ/ 連鎖의 自由變異現象에 대한 旣存의 硏究
  3. /ㄴㄹ/ 連鎖의 自由變異現象의 出現 樣相
  4. /ㄴㄹ/ 連鎖의 自由變異現象에 대한 疑問點과 새로운 接近의 可能性
  5. 結論


  • 林玄烈 임현열. 호서대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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