A Study on P. Rhizoma Extract's Anti-micobial Activity and Cytotoxicity
This study extracted P. Rhizoma growing in Sunchonman Bay using heated water, ethanol and organic solvent and analysed cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity in order to its applicability as an acne cosmetic material. When the extract with 10.0 mg/mL in concentration was treated with Raw 264.7 cell, there was no toxicity found both in ethanol extract and heated water extract, and in particular, it was discovered that aqueous extract had the least toxicity. In respect to the antibacterial activity of P. Rhizoma, ethanol extract was better than heated water extract. Especially, antibacterial activity of S. epidermidis and P. acnes was higher than that of S. aureus and the extract showed a similar aspect. When five fractions of P. Rhizoma were treated with concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 mg/disc, the highest antibacterial activity was found in chloroform of S. aureus and ethylacetate of S. epidermidis and P. acnes. In respect to ethylacetate's antibacterial activity, a clear zone of similar size of Ampicillin 10㎍/㎖ was formed, it indicates that antibacterial activity was higher in fractions rather than heated water and ethanol extracts. Therefore, heated water extract and ethanol extract, fractions of P. Rhizoma have antibacterial activity of S. epidermidis and P. acnes, and in particular, as they have no cytotoxicity, it can be used for a material for acne cosmetic.
I. 서론
II. 연구방법
1. 재료
2. 사용 시약 및 기기
3. 시료 추출
4. 세포 독성 측정
5. 항균 활성
III. 결과 및 고찰
1. MTI assay를 이용한 세포 생존율
2. 노근추출물의 항균 활성 효과
3. 노근 분획물의 항균 활성 효과
V. 결론